1434 H - Goes to Java!

Hi guys, where have you been on this long holiday? Well, because my dad comes from Java. So, on ied day I have to go back to my dad's hometown. Yeah you're right, it's definitely JAVA ISLAND! 

But the worst thing that I couldn't pray together with fams on ied because of menstrual period. Hope I can meet ied day next year amiin.

Rasanya belum afdol kalau ied ga pake acara halal bihalal ke orang yang ditua-tuakan di keluarga. Yups right, I'm going to my opa's home in Bintaro and met my mom's big family.

(Left to right: aunty Caca , me, Irza, Gizwa, Balqis)

Then after finished met up with all of my fam, my family and I ready to start the adventure travel around Java Island zzz.

Tadaaa first destination: SEMARANG!

Just call it as a cullinary time travel. My family really love to try a new place to eat, but of course it must be traditional! My dad's kinda anti-modern-food.

This is pindang kudus, but thanks God in Semarang pindang made by beef not buffalo. I'm really scared to death to imagine how can I eat buffalo's meat yaaakz!

It's really weird but tasted good haha. Yeah well, much better if you eat it with "karak" at the same time. Yummy.

Well, we have to continue to the next destination: YOGYAKARTA!

Jogja gave me sweet memories. At the time I arrived, this man was there for me hahaha.

Yup, this is Jogja. Belum lengkap kalau belum icip mie godhog dan minum wedang ronde tengah malam. But the crazy thing in this month is Java Island was too cold at night. The temperture belows 18degrees celsius. But it's the right time to drink hot Wedang ronde, hmmm yummy.

(Bakmi godhog)

(Wedang ronde)

Selama di Jogja, gue dan fam stays in Paku Mas Hotel as always. Such a strategic place to stay, it closed to Amplaz.
(With boyfriend and brother)

Goodbye boyfi, see you again next month.

And the last destination: SOLO!

Cukup bosan dengan Jogja karena dalam setahun ini aja gue bisa 5-6kali ke Jogja karena banyak urusan yang harus diselesaikan sepeninggalan eyang putri. Akhirnya kita sekeluarga decided to go to Solo and stay at Ibis Hotel.

Sampai Solo, badan udah remuk rasanya. And thanks God di hotel menyediakan spa sampler yang pretty cheap to try. Langsung icip, 1.5jam body massage and scrub bikin meleleh. Enaknya ga karuan! It's a must-try if you stay in Ibis hotel, just come to in balance and ask for massage.

After finish, you'll get a cup of hot ginger tea which is really good for your body.

Setelah semalaman tidur pulas, paginya nekat mau berenang. Ga nyangka, Solo sedingin puncaaaaak boook
Mengurungkan niat untuk berenang, malah jadinya selimutan pake hotel's towel hahaha. Narsis dulu deh sebelum makan.

Bukan Solo namanya, kalo breakfast ya ga pake nasi liwet. Sengaja ga ambil paket breakfast hotel, biar bisa makan puas di luar hotel. Dan ternyata across hotel ada yg jual nasi liwet. It tasted good! Two thumbs up, only Rp.7000! Woooow pake banget.

Setelah itu beranjaklah kita ke serabi notosuman by Lidya yang yang exist itu ahahhaha. Dan bener-bener mantab yang rasa chocolate hmmm hungry.

After that, tepat pukul 13:00 perut mulai berontak ask for lunch. Okay let's prepare to queue for tengkleng. Yeaaaay, I got it after 30minutes queueing hahaha

Nyempet-nyempetin main ke keraton Surakarta. Amazing, historical place. I love it.

Can't describe by words how excited  I am!

Yeah, it's the day to come back to Jakarta. But before check out from hotel, gue dan Raka iseng pengen icip bakso Alex yang katanya recommended banget to try kalo ke Solo. Okeeeh ayo kita icip semangkok bakso dan semangkok balungan!

Yeah I never get enough, Add one more bowl of balungan. Enaknya paraaah!

The best thing of what all woman always imagine are: I eat too much and I lost my weight about 1kg. Crazy right? Happy!!!!

1434 H - Goes to Java!

Hi guys, where have you been on this long holiday? Well, because my dad comes from Java. So, on ied day I have to go back to my dad's hometown. Yeah you're right, it's definitely JAVA ISLAND! 

But the worst thing that I couldn't pray together with fams on ied because of menstrual period. Hope I can meet ied day next year amiin.

Peacock Coffee Jogja : Self Service

Horeee akhirnya gue nemu juga nih pusat-pusat cafe di Jogja. Jadi sekarang tiap ke Jogja, wajib buat icip cafe di sepanjang jalan AM Sangaji ini satu per satu. Tadinya gue pengen icip paris cake, tp udah terlalu malem. Jadi udah last order dan ga bisa lama-lama nongkrong disitu. Gue pikir-pikir oke nanti abis lebaran gue satronin ini pastry siang bolong hahaha. Karena bingung mau kemana, akhirnya gue ngelirik kanan kiri dan nemulah peacock coffe. Tempatnya benar-benar strategis dan super cute! Maksudn cute disini itu kecil mungil hehehe.

Maaf ya gue ga sempet motoin tempatnya ini, jadi gue ambil beberapa foto dari blog orang ya :

Begitu masuk ke cafe yang berada di Jalan AM Sangaji no.72 ini, kita bakalan langsung di suguhi daftar menu makanan dan minuman cafe tersebut. Oh iya, cafe ini buka 24jam dan ada free wifi. Jadi kalian bisa puas-puasin nongkrong disini jangan lupa buat bawa charger hp, laptop, card, atau game-game lain hahaha.

Range harganya kira kalo makanan ya 9.900 dan minuman 16.900. Cukup murah kan? Dijamin ga ngyesel deh kesini. Jangan kaget ya di cafe ini semua serba self service, jadi pertama kamu langsung dateng ke cashier terus order menu, setelah selesai kamu bakalan dipanggil buat ambil menu orderannya. Kalau itu makanan ya silahkan ambil sendok garpu yang sudah disediakan berikut saos sambalnya. Kalau minuman? Ya boleh tambahkan gula dan ambil sedotannya sendiri hahaha. DON'T BE LAZY IN HERE!

(pasta tuna idr9.900)

Untuk rasa dari pasta tuna itu sendiri, kalo boleh jujur ngalor ngidul hahahaha. Cuma tunanya doang yang ada rasanya. Pastanya itu sendiri hambar banget. Tapi gue sempet icip macaroni schotelnya, harganya sama 9.900 juga. Tapi much better than pasta! Saing enaknya begitu diambil, langsung digarap abis sampe ga sempet di foto hahahaha

 (hot carmelito idr 16.900)

Untuk minumannya gue ga berani icip karena gua cafein allergy. Bisa-bisa langsung keringet dingin dan gemeteran badan gue hahaha. Tapi kata si Epin sih lumayan enak dan pas. Gue order ice hazelnut latte dan emang enak rasanya. Ga rugi deh nongkrong disini hehehe

(haus mas??)

 (Endah and me)

Yah overall, ini salah satu cafe yang gue noted banget buat balik lagi kesini kalo bingung malem-malem mau nongkrong dimana. Cuma mudah-mudahan saat kesini, pastanya udah agak mendingan rasanya hehehe

Peacock Coffee Jogja : Self Service

Horeee akhirnya gue nemu juga nih pusat-pusat cafe di Jogja. Jadi sekarang tiap ke Jogja, wajib buat icip cafe di sepanjang jalan AM Sangaji ini satu per satu. Tadinya gue pengen icip paris cake, tp udah terlalu malem. Jadi udah last order dan ga bisa lama-lama nongkrong disitu. Gue pikir-pikir oke nanti abis lebaran gue satronin ini pastry siang bolong hahaha. Karena bingung mau kemana, akhirnya gue ngelirik kanan kiri dan nemulah peacock coffe. Tempatnya benar-benar strategis dan super cute! Maksudn cute disini itu kecil mungil hehehe.

Review: Skin Food Chlorella Nose Clear Patch

I bought this from Skin Food at Central Park. I was really curious how it works and oh yaaa it smells really nice. I thought maybe they added fragrance? LOL.

The pack is in green color, yeah since chlorella is originally green color.

 okay, blackheads and whiteheads on my nose not really seen. But it's pretty annoying!

How to Use
1. Cleanse your face and wet your nose area.
2. Keep youur nose area from getting wet.
3. Slap the patch onto your nose (be careful not to wet the patch. So, dried your hands frist before applying the patch.
4. Wait fro 10-15 mins.

(be patient .. )

It works, although they were still some blackheads left but it came off nice and clean. And it could be easily pulled out. I've been using patch before, and it hard to pulled out.  It sore my nose and there was acne after that! So it was really hard to find nose patch which can easily pulled out.

(after using skin foo chlorella patch)

I got addicted to nose patch since I recommend my boyfriend  to use tony moly nose patch. His nose which is full of black&white heads, was really clean after using Tony Moly patch. And I wanna go back to Tony Moly Nose Patch, because it fitted my nose just right.