Collete & Lola Jakarta : Eat Cakes and Dream

Cakes are really happening right now and Ismaya Group's smart enough to make a new cake house in the right place at the right time. Good marketing! Everyone's talking about this new cake house in social media, that means this place is really popular in town. Yeah and I'm craving for this, it's true and I need a long journey to reach this place. Using gps as usual can't help us reach the place that we want. I almost passed it. For you guys who wanna come to this place by car, please think twice. Their parking area only for valley, and we have to park our car on the road. Hell yeah! And you know what? Tukang parkirnya looks so young, but he can handle it well. THUMBS UP! hahahahaha

Yeah I know it's happening and I have to queue for more than 15 minutes. Ga cuma makan disana yang antri, buat take away juga harus antri. Gokiiiilll hahahaha
(hasil kegaringan kita berdua: NARSIS)

(yaaa adek gue mulai beranjak dewasa dan mulai ngintilin gue kemana-mana)

(why so serious?)

Karena terlalu crowded akhirnya gue ga sempet foto-foto dan udah keburu badmood. Jadi gue colongan dari blog orang aja ya hihihi. 

I really love this place, the room design was AMAZING! Cool and full of pastel colour which is my favorite colour after red. Yeah whateva! But it's too small, so I suggest you to come here before noon.

Berikut orderan gue:

Lollipop cake - idr 32rb
It has a unique taste, selain Layernya bener-bener kayak lollipop, not too sweet, creamy, soft, dan yang paling unik itu di bagian bawahnya ada permen yang meledak-ledak di lidah. When you eat it, you'll smile and remember when you're a lil' kid HAHAHA

Bittersweet Love - idr 28000
Terbuat dari chocolate sable shell, dark chocolate ganache and hazelnut praline crunch. Tasted sweet, not bitter at all.

Jalan Senopati Raya no.64
Jakarta 12190

021- 29007997


Collete & Lola Jakarta : Eat Cakes and Dream

Cakes are really happening right now and Ismaya Group's smart enough to make a new cake house in the right place at the right time. Good marketing! Everyone's talking about this new cake house in social media, that means this place is really popular in town. Yeah and I'm craving for this, it's true and I need a long journey to reach this place. Using gps as usual can't help us reach the place that we want. I almost passed it. For you guys who wanna come to this place by car, please think twice. Their parking area only for valley, and we have to park our car on the road. Hell yeah! And you know what? Tukang parkirnya looks so young, but he can handle it well. THUMBS UP! hahahahaha

Sapu Lidi Sawah Lembang

Ceritanya kita mau ngadain farewell party buat Aya sebelum doi lanjut S2. Dan akhirnya dia sendiri yang decided untuk lunch-bar (abis lunch bubar) di Sapu Lidi Sawah, Lembang. It was so traditional, and I love it. Udaranya, viewnya, saungnya, pernak-perniknyaaa bener-bener berasa lagi di pematang sawah macem surti dan tejo hihihihi.

Nah look at the picture deh. Saung-saungnya itu adalah tempat kita makan. Yes, we had lunch with fresh weather too.

(gue lupa pesen apa aja, terima beres aja lah)

Nah ternyata di dalem sapu lidih sawah Lembang itu ada cottagenya, jadi buat yang pengen liburan dan seru-seruan di sawah bisa nginep disini juga. Dan kayaknya kalo mau ke cottagenya kita bisa naik perahu ke cottage masing-masing.

 (fotografer dadakan - Raka)

It's a must to visit and eat in Sapu Lidi Sawah Lembang, once you've come to Bandung. Makan disana rame-rame aja biar bayarnya bisa bagi rata. Per-orang kira-kira 80rb lah, udah kenyang sampe bego hahhaha. 

Tapi yang harus diingat, kalau mau kesini pas weekend harus masuk Bandung sebelum jam10 pagi. Dan harus cabut dari tempat ini sebelum jam4 sore. Karena kemarin pas pulangnya, gue stuck di jalan sersan bajuri hampir 1jam lebih :(

But it was fun and I love it!

Location: Kompleks Puspa Cihideng, Jl. Sersan Bajuri, Lembang
(022) 2786915
Rp. 50.001 - Rp. 100.000

Sapu Lidi Sawah Lembang

Ceritanya kita mau ngadain farewell party buat Aya sebelum doi lanjut S2. Dan akhirnya dia sendiri yang decided untuk lunch-bar (abis lunch bubar) di Sapu Lidi Sawah, Lembang. It was so traditional, and I love it. Udaranya, viewnya, saungnya, pernak-perniknyaaa bener-bener berasa lagi di pematang sawah macem surti dan tejo hihihihi.

1434 H - Goes to Java!

Hi guys, where have you been on this long holiday? Well, because my dad comes from Java. So, on ied day I have to go back to my dad's hometown. Yeah you're right, it's definitely JAVA ISLAND! 

But the worst thing that I couldn't pray together with fams on ied because of menstrual period. Hope I can meet ied day next year amiin.

Rasanya belum afdol kalau ied ga pake acara halal bihalal ke orang yang ditua-tuakan di keluarga. Yups right, I'm going to my opa's home in Bintaro and met my mom's big family.

(Left to right: aunty Caca , me, Irza, Gizwa, Balqis)

Then after finished met up with all of my fam, my family and I ready to start the adventure travel around Java Island zzz.

Tadaaa first destination: SEMARANG!

Just call it as a cullinary time travel. My family really love to try a new place to eat, but of course it must be traditional! My dad's kinda anti-modern-food.

This is pindang kudus, but thanks God in Semarang pindang made by beef not buffalo. I'm really scared to death to imagine how can I eat buffalo's meat yaaakz!

It's really weird but tasted good haha. Yeah well, much better if you eat it with "karak" at the same time. Yummy.

Well, we have to continue to the next destination: YOGYAKARTA!

Jogja gave me sweet memories. At the time I arrived, this man was there for me hahaha.

Yup, this is Jogja. Belum lengkap kalau belum icip mie godhog dan minum wedang ronde tengah malam. But the crazy thing in this month is Java Island was too cold at night. The temperture belows 18degrees celsius. But it's the right time to drink hot Wedang ronde, hmmm yummy.

(Bakmi godhog)

(Wedang ronde)

Selama di Jogja, gue dan fam stays in Paku Mas Hotel as always. Such a strategic place to stay, it closed to Amplaz.
(With boyfriend and brother)

Goodbye boyfi, see you again next month.

And the last destination: SOLO!

Cukup bosan dengan Jogja karena dalam setahun ini aja gue bisa 5-6kali ke Jogja karena banyak urusan yang harus diselesaikan sepeninggalan eyang putri. Akhirnya kita sekeluarga decided to go to Solo and stay at Ibis Hotel.

Sampai Solo, badan udah remuk rasanya. And thanks God di hotel menyediakan spa sampler yang pretty cheap to try. Langsung icip, 1.5jam body massage and scrub bikin meleleh. Enaknya ga karuan! It's a must-try if you stay in Ibis hotel, just come to in balance and ask for massage.

After finish, you'll get a cup of hot ginger tea which is really good for your body.

Setelah semalaman tidur pulas, paginya nekat mau berenang. Ga nyangka, Solo sedingin puncaaaaak boook
Mengurungkan niat untuk berenang, malah jadinya selimutan pake hotel's towel hahaha. Narsis dulu deh sebelum makan.

Bukan Solo namanya, kalo breakfast ya ga pake nasi liwet. Sengaja ga ambil paket breakfast hotel, biar bisa makan puas di luar hotel. Dan ternyata across hotel ada yg jual nasi liwet. It tasted good! Two thumbs up, only Rp.7000! Woooow pake banget.

Setelah itu beranjaklah kita ke serabi notosuman by Lidya yang yang exist itu ahahhaha. Dan bener-bener mantab yang rasa chocolate hmmm hungry.

After that, tepat pukul 13:00 perut mulai berontak ask for lunch. Okay let's prepare to queue for tengkleng. Yeaaaay, I got it after 30minutes queueing hahaha

Nyempet-nyempetin main ke keraton Surakarta. Amazing, historical place. I love it.

Can't describe by words how excited  I am!

Yeah, it's the day to come back to Jakarta. But before check out from hotel, gue dan Raka iseng pengen icip bakso Alex yang katanya recommended banget to try kalo ke Solo. Okeeeh ayo kita icip semangkok bakso dan semangkok balungan!

Yeah I never get enough, Add one more bowl of balungan. Enaknya paraaah!

The best thing of what all woman always imagine are: I eat too much and I lost my weight about 1kg. Crazy right? Happy!!!!