Revlon Super Lustrous Lipstick Sandalwood Beige 240 Review

Here's my review for Revlon Super Lustrous Lipstick Sandalwood Beige #240. Sebelumnya gue lumayan picky masalah lipstick. Based on my experience, pernah sewaktu-waktu beli lipstick yang harganya lumayan mahal dan merknya bener-bener udah exist banget (jangan sebut merk disini), tapi apa daya malah bikin bibir kering sampe iritasi dan jontor huaaaa :(

Revlon Super Lustrous Lipstick Sandalwood Beige 240 Review

Semenjak itu gue cuma cocok pake maybelline, tapi lama-lama bosan juga dong. Akhirnya gue icip-icip revlon. Tips supaya bibir nggak iritasi yaitu sebelum pake lipstick, gue pake vaseline petroleum jelly dulu supaya bibir lembab dan nggak kering kerontang.

Harganya lumayan murah ternyata di banding Maybelline, dan udah hampir sebulan pake ini masih aman sih di bibir. Belum iritasi, cuma terkadang emang terasa kering.

Revlon Super Lustrous Lipstick Sandalwood Beige 240 Review

Overall, harganya sesuai dengan kualitasnya. Gue kerja 9 jam per hari, dan selama seharian kerja gue perlu 3 sampai 4 kali poles bibir biar muka tetep keliatan fresh. Suka banget sih dengan warnanya.

Revlon Super Lustrous Lipstick Sandalwood Beige 240 Review

Untuk warna #240 ini agak orange ke-coklatan. Tekstureya mate without glitter. Lumayan menutupi bibir gue yang agak hitam. Tapi staying powernya cuma 3-4jam di bibir gue, kalau buat makan mungkin sekejap hilang.

Revlon Super Lustrous Lipstick Sandalwood Beige 240 Review

  • Affordable price, not more than idr 35k
  • Good enough for dark lips.
  • Mate without shimmer or glitter.
  • Last for 3 - 4 hours on my lips.
  • Kadang warnanya suka ngumpul di bibir.
  • Poor staying power.
  • Make my lip a lil' bit dry.

Revlon Super Lustrous Lipstick Sandalwood Beige 240 Review
(contoh warna lipsticknya setelah gue pake)

"Just have fun. Smile. And keep putting on lipstick"
~ by Diane Keaton

Revlon Super Lustrous Lipstick Sandalwood Beige 240 Review

Here's my review for Revlon Super Lustrous Lipstick Sandalwood Beige #240. Sebelumnya gue lumayan picky masalah lipstick. Based on my experience, pernah sewaktu-waktu beli lipstick yang harganya lumayan mahal dan merknya bener-bener udah exist banget (jangan sebut merk disini), tapi apa daya malah bikin bibir kering sampe iritasi dan jontor huaaaa :(

Revlon Super Lustrous Lipstick Sandalwood Beige 240 Review

Semenjak itu gue cuma cocok pake maybelline, tapi lama-lama bosan juga dong. Akhirnya gue icip-icip revlon. Tips supaya bibir nggak iritasi yaitu sebelum pake lipstick, gue pake vaseline petroleum jelly dulu supaya bibir lembab dan nggak kering kerontang.

Etude House Silk Scarf Review

Yeah finally, tanggal muda itu emang waktunya manjain diri buat beli ini-itu. Tapi eheemm, begitu tanggal tua dateng langsung iket perut sekenceng-kencengnya. Puasa itu is a must kalo udah lewat angka satuan di setiap tanggalan di kalender hahahaha.

And now let's talk about hair treatments. I really love my hair, tapi sekarang mulai muncul uban-uban ga jelas karena salah pakai cat rambut. It's pretty annoying! I've been trying to treat my hair well but it just makes my hair looks messy than before hahaha. Thanks to etude, it really helps.

I remember how I fall in love at the first sight with etude house. This three combinations were the first product that I've bought from etude house and it continue until now.

Silk Scarf Hair Moistpack Etude House (180gr) - idr 83.800
It specially formulated with oil complex and floral scent, this intensity restorative hair pack deeply nourishes, strengthens, and rejuvenates very dry and damaged hair to minimized breakage while maximizing, sickness, and manageability.

Just use it once or twice a week. Massage into hair and comb through with fingers. Let treatment work for 1 till 5 minutes and rinse thoroughly.

It smells good and nice, and my hair naturally softer and more manageable now.

Silk Scarf Moist Hair Mist Etude House (120gr) - idr 62.500
It specially formulated with oil complex and floral scents (as always), this weightless mist anhances shine and boosts hair's health, while providing vital nutrients.

Shake it well before you use it and mist evenly over towel dried or dry hair. I usually use it when my hair dry about 90%. And please avoid contact with eyes!

This product is pretty good for everyone who always use hair dryer or hair straightener to your hair.

Silk Scarf Hologram Hair Serum (120ml) - idr 68.800
It specially formulated with oil complex and floral scent (yeah I know it), this anti frizz serum creates exceptional shine while sealing the cuticle with a moisturizing layer.

Distribute it evenly throughout clean, towel dried hair, and concentrating on the ends.

I always use it after using moist hair mist, and before I blow my hair with hairdryer. After 2 weeks this three perfect combinations make good result to my hair. I will always use it as long as I can't find any product better than this :p

And btw, thanks to Etude House for the gift! Such a pretty note, I love it 

Etude House Silk Scarf Review

Yeah finally, tanggal muda itu emang waktunya manjain diri buat beli ini-itu. Tapi eheemm, begitu tanggal tua dateng langsung iket perut sekenceng-kencengnya. Puasa itu is a must kalo udah lewat angka satuan di setiap tanggalan di kalender hahahaha.

Collete & Lola Jakarta : Eat Cakes and Dream

Cakes are really happening right now and Ismaya Group's smart enough to make a new cake house in the right place at the right time. Good marketing! Everyone's talking about this new cake house in social media, that means this place is really popular in town. Yeah and I'm craving for this, it's true and I need a long journey to reach this place. Using gps as usual can't help us reach the place that we want. I almost passed it. For you guys who wanna come to this place by car, please think twice. Their parking area only for valley, and we have to park our car on the road. Hell yeah! And you know what? Tukang parkirnya looks so young, but he can handle it well. THUMBS UP! hahahahaha

Yeah I know it's happening and I have to queue for more than 15 minutes. Ga cuma makan disana yang antri, buat take away juga harus antri. Gokiiiilll hahahaha
(hasil kegaringan kita berdua: NARSIS)

(yaaa adek gue mulai beranjak dewasa dan mulai ngintilin gue kemana-mana)

(why so serious?)

Karena terlalu crowded akhirnya gue ga sempet foto-foto dan udah keburu badmood. Jadi gue colongan dari blog orang aja ya hihihi. 

I really love this place, the room design was AMAZING! Cool and full of pastel colour which is my favorite colour after red. Yeah whateva! But it's too small, so I suggest you to come here before noon.

Berikut orderan gue:

Lollipop cake - idr 32rb
It has a unique taste, selain Layernya bener-bener kayak lollipop, not too sweet, creamy, soft, dan yang paling unik itu di bagian bawahnya ada permen yang meledak-ledak di lidah. When you eat it, you'll smile and remember when you're a lil' kid HAHAHA

Bittersweet Love - idr 28000
Terbuat dari chocolate sable shell, dark chocolate ganache and hazelnut praline crunch. Tasted sweet, not bitter at all.

Jalan Senopati Raya no.64
Jakarta 12190

021- 29007997
