Insomnia oh Insomnia

Memasuki minggu 30 entah mengapa aku sering banget mengalami insomnia atau kesulitan tidur. Tidurnya jadi lebih cepet sih, sekitar jam 8 atau jam 9 selalu udah ngantuk dan langsung tidur. Tapi sekitar jam 12 malam sampai jam 2 suka tiba-tiba kebangun, kebelet buang air kecil dan gak bisa tidur lagi bisa sampai jam 4 subuh.

Insomnia atau susah tidur saat hamil 7 bulan

Mana besoknya harus ngantor dan berangkat jam 6:30. Alhasil pas di kantor, sering kayak orang oon. Diem, ngelamun trus pas jam makan siang suka colongan tidur beberapa menit biar seger lagi. Ada yang pernah mengalami hal yang sama kayak aku?

Bio Oil, Minyak Kecantikan Sahabat Kulit!

Saat ini usia kandunganku sudah memasuki 29 minggu dan semakin hari makin banyak permasalahan kulit yang harus aku hadapi. Mulai dari kulit wajah yang kering kerontang, munculnya garis-garis merah di perut PADAHAL NGGAK KUGARUK SAMA SEKALI! Sampai warna kulit wajah yang entah mengapa mulai terlihat agak gak rata. Sedihnyaaa!

mencegah dan mengobati stretchmark saat hamil dengan bio oil, Minyak Kecantikan Sahabat Kulit!

Mungkin gak cuma ibu hamil aja yang punya segambreng permasalahan kulit. Kalian-kalian tua-muda pun pasti punya beragam permasalahan kulit. Ada yang pernah dengar tentang Bio Oil? Bisa dibilang sih Bio oil ini memang semacam minyak kecantikan dan sahabat kulit karena punya banyak banget manfaat. Berasal dari manakah dia? Yuk kita bahas dari akarnya dulu!

Lafine Catalina Geo Color Capsules Makeup Base

What is the function of makeup base? Do we really need to apply makeup base? For those who just started to be a makeup enthusiast or makeup junkie out there should now, that makeup bases are basically primers and it used right before foundation.

review makeup korea - Lafine Catalina Geo Color Capsules Makeup Base

The key function of using makeup base is to correct our skin tone, minimize pores and enhance durability of foundation. And now I'm going to do a very quick review about my newest Makeup base called Color Capsules Makeup Base from Lafine Catalina geo. Is it worth the price? Just keep reading!

Bi-gyeol Yun Cream for Anti-wrinkle and Whitening

Who says that we don't need anti-wrinkle cream before 40? We are entering a pre-aging in our late 20s to mid-30s! If you don't realize it, just look at the mirror and you might notice lines around your eyes and mouth or even dark spots from sun damage.

beauty blogger indonesia - indonesian beauty blogger - ririeprams

Pre-aging may be the most depressing moment and a very very bad news for women when she got that at her early 30s. So, thats why we need to keep our skin younger by using anti-wrinkle products even if we haven't hit 40s.

Lafine Vegetable Foam Cleanser

As someone with dry skin, I have to be aware of any face cleanser to use. Is it suitable for my skin type or not? I did some research when I received Lafine Vegetable Foam Cleanser, because I haven't heard this kind of cleanser before. Actually this product's made in Korea and I have my trust for all Korean skincare brand LOL!

Lafine Vegetable Foam Cleanser for dry skin

Lafine vegetable foam cleanser used 5 vegetable ingredients, such as; tomato, carrot, parsley, cucumber and water parsley. The ingredients are so tempting and makes me can't wait to try any longer.