Arezia Concealer Pencil 03 Review

Hai cantik, masih inget ga kalian dengan postingan aku tentang Hongkong Haul minggu lalu? Untuk yang belum baca, bisa baca terlebih dahulu dengan klik di sini. Nah, kali ini aku mau membahas salah satu produk yang aku beli di Hong Kong, yaitu Arezia Concealer dan ini bener-bener bikin aku nyesel belinya, nyeselnya itu "KENAPA CUMA BELI SATU?" hahahaha. 

Arezia Concealer Pencil

Batiste Dry Shampoo Sassy & Daring Wild

Well well well who doesn't love a perfect hair? I'm pretty sure that every woman wants a perfect hair for her everyday look! Don't you agree with me? LOL! Because those sentence really speaks to me. I'm too lazy to wake up in the morning to wash my hair arrrggghh! As my hair grow longer, it gets greasy more easily and I can't stand for not washing it everyday. You know, how sad it is!

Batiste Dry Shampoo Sassy & Daring Wild

Until I found this magical creature *too much*

Batiste dry shampoo is perfect to use between washes. A quick burst revitalises hair and removes any excess grease. Hair feels gorgeously clean and fresh with added body and texture. Feel the same like after you wash your hair with the usual shampoo.

Batiste Dry Shampoo Sassy & Daring Wild

I really love the leopard print on its packaging. I love the scent of "wild" batiste. It smells sweet and the smells last for a day, what a good start! 

Batiste Dry Shampoo Sassy & Daring Wild

As far as I know, batiste had more than 5 scents. And up until now, "blush" was firm favourite. But when I came to Sasa beauty store in Hong Kong, I did not saw "blush". This leopard print makes me fell in love at the first sight, so I purchased without think twice.

Batiste Dry Shampoo Sassy & Daring Wild

How to use:

Batiste Dry Shampoo Sassy & Daring Wild

1. Shake your dry shampoo vigorously before use.
2. Keeping nozzle about 30cm from hair, spray into roots!
3.Massage through with fingertips
4. Brush and style!

If I compare this product with another dry shampoo like Oscar Blandi, I thought it much cheaper and smells wonderful! Batiste dry shampoo is really worth to buy, because it is awesome and inexpensive.

Batiste Dry Shampoo Sassy & Daring Wild

If you gets greasy hair all of the sudden ... Just open up the bottle cap of batiste dry shampoo, and spray this lovely dry shampoo into your hair! A good idea to refresh your hair~


❤ 53,90 HKD (around idr 81k) for 200ml
❤ Had more than 5 scents
❤ Made my hair look as fresh as the day it was washed
❤ Smell good
❤ It could remove the grease from my hair

yes, it is available in jakarta's online shop. But the price is two times higher than the original price!
For dark hair only!


Batiste Dry Shampoo Sassy & Daring Wild

Well well well who doesn't love a perfect hair? I'm pretty sure that every woman wants a perfect hair for her everyday look! Don't you agree with me? LOL! Because those sentence really speaks to me. I'm too lazy to wake up in the morning to wash my hair arrrggghh! As my hair grow longer, it gets greasy more easily and I can't stand for not washing it everyday. You know, how sad it is!

Batiste Dry Shampoo Sassy & Daring Wild

Until I found this magical creature *too much*

Hong Kong Beauty Haul

Hong Kong, you are awesome! And here are the total of my beauty haul from Hong Kong trip 2 weeks ago. Tepat di samping penginapanku di Hong Kong, ada SASA dan Bonjour! Siapa yang ga khilaf? Dan sebenarnya sih ini baru some of my beauty haul LOL!

Details: 1HKD = Rp. 1486,-

1. Wet wipes for hand & face 9.90 HKD
Cleansing tissue ini aku beli di H&M, harganya ga nyampe 15ribu. Untuk 1pcs isi 10lembar. Wanginya macem-macem dan super sweet! Bahkan ada yang harga 10HKD for 2, bikin mata gatel aja hahaha.

2. Pink make up sponge 29.90 HKD
Masih dari H&M, sepintas sponge ini emang agak ala-ala beauty blender gitu ya. Teksturnya lembut banget dan useful.

3. White make up sponge 19.90 HKD
Produk ini aku beli di H&M juga hahaha (ketauan abis ngeborong di H&M). Berisi 8 potong sponges dalam bentuk triangle. Teksturnya sama lembut seperti yang pink dan useful products! Ga nyesel buat beli hahaha.

4. H&M nail kit 59.90 HKD
Terdiri dari handcream, a nail and cuticle cream, a nail file, a cuticle stick. Aku beli ini karena menurutku murah banget. Entah bakalan kepake atau nggak, tapi packagingnya kece! Hahaha bayangkan, untuk 4products harganya cuma sekitar 90ribuan.

5. SHL false eyelashes T02 29 HKD
"29 HKD for 5pairs of fake lashes?  You kidding me!" ini yang ada di otakku pas liat harganya hahaha. Menurutku yang T02 ini cocok banget untuk natural-looking. Tekstur bulu matanya halus dan ga terlalu tipis juga. Tetap nyaman untuk digunakan.

6. Clear white eyelash adhesive 19 HKD
Kata packagingnya sih produk ini laku keras di Korea, ya karena harganya pun murah, jadi aku beli aja. Tubenya kecil sih, cuma 7gr tapi lumayan worth it. Secara harganya ga nyampe 30ribu hahaha. Di Jakarta, aku mau beli adhesive aja, cuma 5ml harganya 89ribu. Bayangkan sodara-sodara! Cuma 5ml semahal ituuuu >.<

7. Puretree naturalism nose pore strip 18 HKD
Aku baru engeh, ternyata produk ini lagi diskon. Dari harga sebelumnya 22 HKD jadi cuma 18HKD. Isinya ada 6 strips. Aku udah coba pake sekali dan lumayan ngangkat whiteheads di hidungku, efek yang dihasilkan setelah pemakaian pun jadi lebih halus. Wanginya juga enak, karena bahan dasarnya adalah aloe dan hazelnut.

8. H&M bubble gum lip syrup 10 HKD
Aku udah pernah pake bubble gum lip syrup ini hampir seharian dan masih aman di bibirku. Ga bikin kering dan I really love its smell. Bubble gumnya berasa banget wanginya, tapi ga lengket dan ga bikin lebay di bibir. Untuk 5ml seharga 15ribuan? Worth it!

So far, arezia concealer ini masih jadi favoritku selama 2minggu ini. Selalu aku pake tiap mau pake lipstick. Harganya ga sebanding dengan kualitasnya. Kualitasnya mahal banget, tapi harganya murah bingiiiit. Cuma sekitar 37ribuan!!! Cek reviewnya by click here.

10. Borjouis velvet shower cream 29.50 HKD
Katanya sih produk ini baru aja launching jadi lagi diskon. Harga aslinya 88 HKD, jadi cuma 29.50 HKD. Masa iya segila itu diskonnya? Yang bener ajeee! Tapi, aku suka banget sama wanginya. Sekarang selalu aku pake setiap hari hahaha.

Aku pernah cek harga batiste ini kalau di Jakarta bisa sampe 2kali lipat harga aslinya. Dan nyesel cuma beli satu! Hahaha seharusnya aku beli yang banyak trus aku jual lagi yaaaa. Emang dasar ga ada otak dagang! Untuk cek reviewnya, bisa langsung klik di sini!

Nah, sekian haul dari aku. Any suggestions? Which product do I need to review first? Just tell me in the comment box ^^

Hong Kong Beauty Haul

Hong Kong, you are awesome! And here are the total of my beauty haul from Hong Kong trip 2 weeks ago. Tepat di samping penginapanku di Hong Kong, ada SASA dan Bonjour! Siapa yang ga khilaf? Dan sebenarnya sih ini baru some of my beauty haul LOL!