Wet n Wild Stoplight Red is A Perfect True Red

"Loving him was red ... re e e ed ..." I adore red color so much and I guess it's true if I love everything about red after Taylor Swift debuted her new album, RED. I just realized that I never wear red lipstick, I mean a perfect true red lipstick, it because I don't have it! Well, you know I have to buy it and please do not stop me *wink*

Wet n Wild Megalast Lipstick in Stoplight Red review

First of all, I start googling it to find all lipstick brand reviews. Everything looks eyecatchy in my eyes. But, I need to keep it on budget since payday is a long way to go and I finally found my treasure. The best lipstick brand I've ever found. Under IDR 60K and I only found a few negative reviews about it. Here it is, Wet n Wild Megalast Lipstick in Stoplight Red / Feu Rouge - 911D.

Hobby Selfie? Ini Dampak Positifnya

"But first, lemme take a selfie" kayaknya kata-kata itu sering terpampang nyata di beberapa postingan akun-akun instagram artis Hollywood when they posted their selfie. Hmmm, bahkan yang bukan artis Hollywood aja juga sering post dengan caption begitu kok. Sampe kadang ada yang nyinyir juga dan kasih tau dampak-dampak negatif dari selfie.

dampak negatif dan positif selfie

Mix Up NYX SMLC Cannes & San Paulo Using Mixing Palette

Kayaknya udah ga ragu lagi ya kalau NYX Soft Matte Lip Cream banyak penggemarnya. Hampir rata-rata beauty blogger pasti punya minimal satu shade dari NYX SMLC, yes or yes? hahaha maksa. Kebetulan aku punya 2 shades NYX SMLC nih yaitu Cannes dan San Paulo. Kedua shades ini cocok banget buat daily makeup karena warnanya cocok banget untuk natural makeup.

Mix Up NYX SMLC Cannes & San Paulo Using Mixing Palette

Ngomong-ngomong, aku udah pernah review loh! Baca aja dulu review aku di sini: NYX Soft Matte Lip Cream San Paulo Review, NYX Soft Matte Lip Cream Cannes Review. Trus gimana ya kalau misal kedua shade ini aku mix up? Warna apa yang akan lebih menonjol? Simak terus ya hehe.

Uban, Boleh Dicabut atau Tidak Sih?

Ahhhh bete! Belakangan ini aku harus benar-benar menghadapi a big problem yang bikin mood jadi ngedrop yaitu UBANAN. Semua gara-gara salah cat rambut. Biasanya tuh aku selalu pakai L'oreal, tapi pas sekitar 3 tahun yang lalu tiba-tiba aku pengen toning rambut pakai salah satu cat yang konon katanya halal, but the fact is bikin aku ubanan. So sad!

uban boleh dicabut atau tidak
photo source: mensjourneyid

Wet n Wild Ultimate Brow Kit in Ash Brown Review

Well, I'm not in a good mood today but somehow I really wanna share something on my blog. I'm pretty sure that most women in this world have the same problem with me, ugly sparse eyebrow. I need to define my eyebrow by fill it everyday and sometimes I'm scared to wash my face while wudu because I'm too lazy to retouch my eyebrow *forgive me ya ALLAH* And the worst moment came, my fave eyebrow pencil finally run out, so sad. 

Wet n Wild Ultimate Brow Kit