Egyptian Magic Cream

EMC or Egyptian Magic Cream is really happening right now. Even Indonesian artist used this product to heal anything! Egyptian Magic is an all-natural skin cream made from six of nature's most powerful moisturizing and healing ingredients, which is: Olive oil, Beeswax, honey, Pollen, Royal Jelly, and propolis extract.

Egyptian Magic Cream

I've bought EMC a month ago and it was really cheaper than any other online shop. Also, I got a 0,05 fl. oz eau de toilette sample of Seduction in Black by Antonio Banderas. 

Egyptian Magic Cream

If you guys wanna know about the price and really wanna purchase, just click here!^^

Egyptian Magic Cream

I guess it seems like vaseline petroleum jelly, but it is more oily. This 180gr of yellow cream is even thicker and more dense than vaseline. The jar is very big and the cream is full. 

Egyptian Magic Cream

Take a moderate amount and rub it in your palms until it takes the form of oil, which improves absorption. Apply it gently over your skin!

EMC has many functions, such as:
  1. Skin Moisturizer
  2. Beauty Cream
  3. Lip Balm
  4. Healing Burns
  5. Healing Scars
  6. Hair Conditioner
  7. Skin Rash Cream
  8. Make Up Remover
  9. Etc.
I'm using this products to heal my scars on foot, hope it will work out well. I'll give a review about my experience of using this product 2-3 months later ^^

With love,

Egyptian Magic Cream

EMC or Egyptian Magic Cream is really happening right now. Even Indonesian artist used this product to heal anything! Egyptian Magic is an all-natural skin cream made from six of nature's most powerful moisturizing and healing ingredients, which is: Olive oil, Beeswax, honey, Pollen, Royal Jelly, and propolis extract.

Egyptian Magic Cream

Perpanjang Passport Online

Hai guys, kali ini aku mau share pengalaman nih. Ceritanya minggu lalu aku habis perpanjang paspor karena insya ALLAH bulan depan mau holiday ke luar sama my only one brother hihihi (jadi curhat). Nah karena males pake calo, akhirnya memberanikan diri buat nekat cobain perpanjang paspor online.

Fyi, perpanjang paspor secara online itu baru bisa di Jakarta Barat dan Jakarta Selatan. Definitely, aku pilih di Jakarta Barat karena emang rumah aku di sekitar Jakarta Barat juga. Caranya gampang ternyata, tinggal klik link di sini. Abis itu pilih pendaftaran personal, and then ikutin aja intruksinya dan pilih langsung kapan dan jam berapa kamu mau datang! 

Nantinya kamu bakalan dapet pdf seperti ini:

Perpanjang passport online

Jangan lupa untuk print bukti tanda terima permohonannya di kertas A4 ya! 

Terus apa aja sih kelengkapan yang perlu dibawa?

  1. Jelaslah bawa tanda terima permohonan yang sudah di print di A4.
  2. KK, Akte Kelahiran, KTP/Kartu identitas diri, Paspor lama (bawa fotokopi semua berkasnya di kertas A4 dan yang asli juga wajib di bawa).
  3. Baju rapi, no sandal and KUTANG ahahaha. Harus rapi tapi ga usah kemeja putih celana item juga! Fotonya close up kok hihihi
  4. Pastikan berkas-berkas kamu lengkap, jangan sampai ada yg ketinggalan. Petugasnya super duper reseh!
  5. Bawa pulpen HITAM
Loket pendaftaran langsung dan online itu di pisah, jadi pastikan kamu antri di tempat yang seharusnya ya. Begitu loket di buka jam8 teng, kamu bakalan di kasih kertas form yang harus kamu isi dengan pen HITAM. Setelah diisi dan berkas kamu selesai di cek, kamu bakalan ambil nomor antrian. Setelah itu kamu bakalan dipanggil ke kasir terlebih dahulu, sesuai dengan nomor antrianmu. 

Tunggu lagi sebentar, setelah itu kamu bakalan langsung di panggil untuk wawancara dan foto. Tadaaaa kelar deh! Tinggal diambil aja paspormu keesokan harinya setelah jam4!

Walau pun oneday service, tetep aja paspor ga bisa langsung jadi ga kaya sim hehehe. Kalau ditanya ke petugasnya "kenapa ga langsung jadi? Katanya one day service?" petugasnya bakalan jawab "loh besok kan masih 1x24jam" HAHAHAHAHA

Untuk perpanjang paspor, masa berlaku paspor  harus kurang dari 6bulan, kalau misal masih di atas 6 bulan (misalnya 7 atau 8 bulan) kamu bakalan di suruh bayar 2 kali lipat. Karena itungannya sama kayak ganti paspor baru alias kehilangan paspor.

Ya begitulah Indonesia, mau cepet2 ganti paspor malah di larang ckckck!

Perpanjang Passport Online

Hai guys, kali ini aku mau share pengalaman nih. Ceritanya minggu lalu aku habis perpanjang paspor karena insya ALLAH bulan depan mau holiday ke luar sama my only one brother hihihi (jadi curhat). Nah karena males pake calo, akhirnya memberanikan diri buat nekat cobain perpanjang paspor online.

Fyi, perpanjang paspor secara online itu baru bisa di Jakarta Barat dan Jakarta Selatan. Definitely, aku pilih di Jakarta Barat karena emang rumah aku di sekitar Jakarta Barat juga. Caranya gampang ternyata, tinggal klik link di sini. Abis itu pilih pendaftaran personal, and then ikutin aja intruksinya dan pilih langsung kapan dan jam berapa kamu mau datang! 

Nantinya kamu bakalan dapet pdf seperti ini:

Perpanjang passport online

Early December Haul - Nature Republic

Hi there, I'm going to show you what I've bought in the last day of November. A month ago I spent a lot of my money without think twice! But I never regret it because I'm fairly certain with all the products I've bought incredibly useful. And this products just arrived to my office in early December ^^

I got all of this products for only idr 59k and I'm screaming with happiness hihihi. At first I was curious about Nature Republic, because when I googling reviews for their products, not a lot came up. And only a few IBB who use it, so I end up try it without finding good reviews.

Collagen HD Foundation SPF25 PA++ (23 medium beige)
With 2 colors 21-soft beige and 23-medium beige, this foundation will be directed to your skin moist and smooth and classy look to cover the trasparent skin as flashy. Collagen triple containing 1.000ppm. 

How to use: Take an appropriate amount of this product, it painted streched evenly to the skin.

See the difference? For more info I really love the smell of this foundation. The foundation smells sweet like flowers. Love it!

Essential Solution Vita A and C Mask Sheet 28 gr
Vita A mask sheet brings energy to skin and vita C mask sheet makes your skin toner clear. The mask sheet divided into two parts, for upper and lower part of your face



Use it like other mask sheet. Wash your face before applying sheet mask to your face, then apply the upper first then the lower. Remove it gently after 15minutes.

Shine Blossom Blusher #2 Orange Blossom
A breakthrough loose powder formulated for each skin type, and it really looks like face powder. Easy to use but I don't think its going to work on my face. Maybe it will work on fair skin. SO SAD! hahahaha

With love,